Beyond pessimism: Analysing prospect for asian regionalism with cooperation between India, China and ASEAN
1South Asian University, New Delhi, Department of International Relations
Yildiz Social Science Review 2015; 2(1): 61-74
This paper presents a case that Asian regionalism is possible provided India and China cooperate with each other and this process is also supported by the ASEAN. While ac-
cepting practical intricacies related to Sino-India relation that is discussed in this paper, an attempt is made to look beyond the dominant, prevalent and generally acceptable discourse on this subject. The paper also has policy suggestions based on neo-functionalist approach of regional integration. It is argued that cooperation in functional areas might potentially pave the way for Asian regionalism with involvement of India, China and
Keywords: South Asia, Southeast Asia, ASEAN, Asian Regionalism, Sino-India Rela- tions